Sunday, 24 June 2012

London to Brighton

So training is now underway with my wife, Lucie, as she has signed up for her second charity ride of the year. The classic London to Brighton - which I still have not cycled. Quite jealous.

We have a training plan set out, which Lucie has put together based on her requirements and so far we have completed two training rides. One dry and one damp-wet. Both on the same route and 10miles long. We shall cycle a far longer route Sunday, then reduce down for the evening rides during the weekdays.

I still have not committed to any rides as yet, but there is an Evans Cycles Ride it! event taking place in July around the Hampshire area. I have my eye on this 60 or 90 miles.

Have not blogged for sometime as lack of time, work and family issues have meant I couldn't sit down to right. Essentially not enough hours in the day.

Going to complete a big ride Sunday before venturing out again with Lucie late afternoon to cover some more big miles. I'm certain that cycling has become an addictive rewarding sport. Recommend it to anyone!

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