Sunday, 11 March 2012

6 weeks to go

Brilliant couple of rides with this weekend.

I completed a 90km ride on Saturday with 2 category hill climbs (1) cat 4 and (1) cat 5. The ride started after about 10km with the cat 5 climb and that was a great way to get the body warm and settled in to the next few km's. I tried to consume a good amount of food whilst making this ride, but at the end of 90km, how can you consume 3000+ calories? This is a learning curve that dad and I will certainly need to consider whilst doing 90km+ during the Land's End to John O'Groats ride. It is highly likely that we will be burning this amount every day for 14 days so we do need to ensure that we are keeping the intake up. The weather on Saturday was essentially perfect with next to no wind and good light, with some brilliant sunny spells. 3hrs 40mins (roughly) with good breaks to complete this ride which is the first of its kind this year (2012). I will now aim to stretch my legs on this type of distance every weekend - rain or shine.

Today we (the wife (Lucie) and I) ventured out on a 45km ride on reasonably flat route, but great in terms of peddling time. Due to the flatness of the route where we cycled there was the need for continuous peddling, which was great. Lucie had the chance to extend the distance that she is used to. As I know to well, you can't just jump in to 100km+ you need to work up to it. Although I am used to long distances, the 14days of continuous cycling will certainly be a shock to the system. If I can train my body to be used to cycling (cycling legs or cycle fit) then Land's End to John O'Groats should not be too much of a shock. As the the first day approaches there are some nerves which are kicking in - I just hope everything will be okay.

I need to start looking on finalizing the route, finalizing the kit and ensure I am happy with everything. I do still need to purchase some new tops and some better padded shorts etc. I have also revamped the e2ecr website and this should hopefully now be the final one to run with. This will be updated as often as possible.

Please don't forget to donate:

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were writing this blog! It's really good... and I get a mention. Not long to go now :)
