Sunday, 11 March 2012

7 weeks to go

With now only 6 weeks to go and missing my post last week (so there are to be two posts tonight) there is a good amount to catch up on...

At the 7 weeks to go point I had completed two rides with load totaling 90km. However this was filled with probably the best combination of riding weather. The first 45km was in damp, but sunny and a slight head in places. It was also my first ever experience of carrying a load other than just a back pack. The panniers were awesome. I did decide to purchase the Altura Dryline 56 Panniers and it turned out last weekend was the perfect time to test them. I found the adjustment of the bags to fit and clip onto my rack, very easy and with no complications. I would most certainly recommend these panniers. To back up my reasoning its fair to say cycling in the damp but with the sun, you did ride through the odd puddle. Did my over night cloths or anything for that matter in the pannier become wet; no. My maiden voyage with panniers went with great success; even through a trickey one-way-system.

And so the ride home on the Sunday. wow. so the ride started immediately with rain, which is no issue - I'm not a fair weather cyclist. However I was not prepared for the fourth coming sleet and then the (out of the blue) thick heavy snow and massive drop in temperature. The snow, but particularly the drop in temperature really hit me hard. I had only taken spring and rain stuff with me, no snow/winter riding clothes. This was a massive mistake and its fair to say that Sunday's ride was a very big struggle.

The positive to come out of last weekends rides were the tests I put my newly purchased panniers through. They literately had all types of weather conditions thrown at them and I would certainly agree with other reviews I have read. ( Altura Dryline 56 Panniers ) Waterproof - yes. Large loads - definitely. Value for money - Yes (from Wiggle) They have a very large main compartment and then a small (not medium) area for bits 'n' bobs. They fastened nicely and kept all my belongings in perfect condition.

The lesson learnt from last weekend, take some winter gear with me just incase!

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